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Glad to meet you!
My name is Lioubov. I love teaching English:)
I was graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Moscow Lomonosov State University in 2002. English was the language I entered the University with, it was the subject I majored in on a par with German and intercultural communication. I gave lessons during my study to earn my living and just because I like it. When I was a senior student I also started working as a teacher of both English and German (the language I learned at the Faculty) at school, mastering forms 2-9. At that school teaching time I gained a wide experience dealing with children and I understood many things about the teaching process itself. I found out there is no other effective way to "fill" someone with knowledge, but to spark their interest to the subject and to motivate them in the right way. That''s why I keep trying new methods in teaching, following every pupil''s interests and inclinations. I use much visual media in my lessons: such as video, computer programs and presentations (those I create myself to my lessons), audio materials, newspaper and magazine clippings, internet articles on some vital subjects or containing information on the subject we discuss.


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